News Flash

June 2023

XIDAS Welcomes a New Dean

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adams

5th of June marked a day of new hope and horizons for XIDAS as Asst. Professor Cecil Anthony took charge as Dean of Academics, PGDM- RM . In his first address to the Staff and Management he thanked the President and Management for giving him this opportunity. He shared few memorable moments from the beginning of his tenure at XIDAS till date and extended gratitude for all the colleagues he has worked or associated with. He also welcomed the XIDAS fraternity to work and cooperate together as a team to take XIDAS to greater heights. Congratulations and best wishes for a successful tenure.

Welcome and Installation of the Administrator XIDAS / Vice Superior Jesuit Community

5th June

Congratulations to Fr. Stanislaus Tirkey, SJ who has taken charge as the Vice Superior of the Jesuit Community / Administrator of XIDAS, he was introduced and welcomed by the Director Dr. Fr. Dharam Kishore Lakra , Sj in the presence of XIDAS Management, Faculty and Staff. While addressing the audience, Fr. Stanislaus shared that he has worked as the Secretary of the Indian Catholic Bishop's Commission for tribal people and is keen to uphold the Tribals in future too. He also narrated few of his experiences with Fr. Michael Van den Bogaert, SJ during the founding years of XIDAS and was happy to be welcomed to the XIDAS Management Team. We extend our best wishes to him for a fruitful tenure!

Installation of Dr. Uma C. Saha as HOD, Dept. of Research and Development XIDAS

5th June

Congratulations to Dr. Uma C Saha for taking charge as the HOD, Dept. Research and Development XIDAS. XIDAS Management and staff extends their gratitude to you for your successful tenure as the former Dean. Extended heartfelt appreciation for the get - together lunch sponsored by you for the XIDAS family.

World Environment Day at XIDAS

5th June 2023

“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett
There’s no place to live other than our precious earth, save the earth with your best efforts. The prolific plush green campus of XIDAS is in itself a tribute that protects the beauty of nature and makes one feel very close to nature. The world Environment day was celebrated with great enthusiasm by the XIDAS Management and Staff. The nine ways to acknowledge the Mother Nature was read by Ms. Elvina Cayburn :- 1. Recycle Phone, 2. Help in Compost, 3. Switch to Organic, 4. Improve the use of electricity, 5. Rain water harvesting, 6. Plant trees, 7. No to plastic, 8. Buy local goods, 9. Use green energy.

Trees were planted and the garden areas were cleaned by the XIDAS Management & Staff . Let’s scroll to see the beauty of XIDAS campus.

Farewell of Dr. Fr. Sanjay Kujur SJ

19th June

Dr. Father Sanjay Kujur , Sj who served XIDAS as the Treasurer for past many years now leaves XIDAS to take up new responsibilities. As gratitude to him XIDAS organized a farewell programme for him during which Dean of Academics, Prof Cecil Anthony, Administrator, Fr. Satanislaus Tirkey, Sj, Asst. Prof. Samson Francis, Ms. Jyoti Ali, and Mr. Balraj Chauhan expressed their thoughts on the occasion. In his address to the gathering Fr. Sanjay extended his gratitude to everyone and shared some of his best experiences at XIDAS during his tenure. He was felicitated by the Director XIDAS, Dr. Fr. Dharam Kishore Lakra, SJ and the Staff members. Host for the day was Mr. Arun Tripathi.

Thank you Fr. Sanjay for being such an important part of our team in these past few years, XIDAS fraternity wishes you all the very best for your new responsibilities.

International Yoga Day 21st June 2023

Yoga is similar to music. The symphony of life is composed of the body’s rhythm, the mind’s melody, and the soul’s harmony.
Yoga is a journey that one takes from self to self and through self. Sun salutations can energize and warm you even on the darkest, coldest winter day. Yoga re- vitalizes your life all year long, when you breathe in, you acquire strength from God. When you exhale, it represents the service you provide to the world. Standing together as fitness enthusiasts, XIDAS also celebrated the International YOGA day. The programme began with the lighting of the traditional lamp by the Members of the Management followed by the prayer song and thought on YOGA Day by Ms. Elvina Clayburn. Message on the essence of YOGA was shared by Mr. Arun Tripathi. The Yoga Asanas were done by all the staff members led by Mr. Pushpendra Tiwari. Host for the Day was Asst. Prof. Anchal Mishra

Farewell of Mrs. Bhagwati Bai 30th June 2023

Support Staff Bhagwati Bai superannuated from her services at XIDAS on the 30th of June. She had been rendering her services from more than 20 years. During the programme the management together with the staff expressed their gratitude to Bhagawati Bai . Sendoff thoughts were shared by Director XIDAS, Dr. Fr. Dharam Kishore Lakra , SJ, Prof. Jogendra Pathak and Support Staff Balraj Chauhan. A video compilation on the journey of Bhagwati at XIDAS was compiled by Mr. Steven Philip and Ms. Elvina Clayburn. Felicitation with Citation was done by the Administrator Fr. Stanislaus Tirkey, SJ. The Staff members also presented their token of gratitude to the retiring staff member. Host for the memorable occasion was Ms. Swati Maina. The XIDAS fraternity extends its best wishes to Mrs. Bhagwati for a happy and healthy retirement life ahead.

Meetings and Collaborations

Dr. Uma C Saha Professor and HOD, Dept of Research and Development attended the training programme as Resource person at Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj , Jabalpur on 21st June 2023. The topic of her deliberation was “Sustainable Development Goal for Gender Equality and Healthy Child Life Cycle” held at SIRD. During the meeting there has been a discussion with the Deputy Director, SIRD regarding MoU with XIDAS.

Visitor at XIDAS

Dr. Fr. Alexius Ekka, SJ visited XIDAS on the 10th of June to share a copy of his Golden Jubilee Souvenir with the Staff Members. A short get together was organized for him.

MBA Scorers

Congratulations to all the students who scored well in MBA first Semester year 2022-2023. We welcome the aspirants to be a part of Xavier’s