News Flash

Foundation Day and Xavier’s Day Celebration at XIDAS

December 03, 2021

XIDAS holds pride as it celebrated its 26th foundation day and Xavier’s Day on the 3rd of December 2021. The celebrations ringed in with the Holy Eucharist with Dr. Fr. Dharam Kishore Lakra ,SJ as the main celebrant. Next was the cultural programme organized in the Loyola Auditorium, performances in the form of song, skit and dance were staged by the staff and students which was enjoyed by all present. The vote of Thanks was proposed by Fr. Binod Toppo, SJ.

Celebrations concluded with lunch for all.

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Christmas Gathering

December 23, 2021

The Christmas Gathering was organized at XIDAS on the 23rd of December. Christmas message was shared by the Director. Dr. Fr. Dharam Kishore Lakra , SJ. Adding on to the festivity of the gathering was the carol singing and group dance by the Management , Staff and Students. Gathering ended with lunch for all sponsored by all the Christian Staff of XIDAS.

Few Glimpses of the day.

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Human Rights Day

December 10, 2021

‘Rights, in fact, are those conditions of social life without which no man can seek, in general, to be himself at his best’ -Laski

Rights are the basic conditions of man’s good life, which are recognized as such by the legal code of the state and to mark the Human Rights Day XIDAS also celebrated it along with the Staff and Students, hereby reminding each one that in an ordered society, for the overall development of the human personality, rights play a very significant role.

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